Equipment List

Red and white lift truck pulling a yellow wood chipper

Lift and Chipper

Our brand new Freightliner with 70 foot lift and new 15 inch chipper

Red and white lift truck

65 Foot lift

Our 65 foot lift

Red and Whit truck pulling a wood chipper

20 Yard Truck

Our 20 yard truck with Vermeer 1800XL

Two Kabota front end loaders

Kabota Loaders

2 Kabota Loaders for lifting heavy material

Yellow wood chipper

Vermeer 1800XL

175 HP Vermeer 1800XL
Chips up to 18" diameter logs

Red stump grinder

Stump Grinder

110hp Vermeer Remote Control Stump Grinder (for really big stumps)

Walk behind stump grinder

Stump Grinder

A smaller walk-behind stump grinder for difficult access

Red trailer

Custom Trailer

Custom built trailer for two different sized stump grinders

Dump Truck

Dump Truck 1

Dump Truck

Dump Truck

Dump Truck 2

Dump Truck

Dump Truck

Dump Truck 3

Ford F-550 Dump Truck

Red Toyota RAV4


New hybrid Toyota RAV4 for estimating